Healthcare Integrated Biobanking - HIB

Automation HIB
Copyright: Karin Kaiser, MHH

MHH- Healthcare Integrated Biobanking


The „MHH- Healthcare Integrated Biobanking“ (MHH-HIB) is a new project of the Hannover Unified Biobank (HUB), the central biobank of the MHH. The goal of MHH-HIB is the establishment of a broadly available, high quality biomaterial collection in close cooperation with the clinics of the MHH.

The collection is supposed to ensure the future access of all MHH researchers to high quality biomaterials of well characterized patient cohorts. Additionally, MHH-HIB should be available for cooperative research projects of MHH researchers and external partners. Participating clinics will gain exclusive and free of charge access to a portion of aliquots of their collected samples. The remaining aliquots will become part of the MHH-HIB collection and will be available to cooperative projects.

Requests for access to the MHH-HIB collection are evaluated by an MHH access committee. This access committee protects internal MHH research interests and denies the release of samples in the case of conflicts of interest.

Because the HUB is only able to prepare and store a limited number of samples per year, not all MHH patients can be included in the project. Therefore, it is important to establish a selection procedure that interested clinics can apply to.