Ombuds Office
Responsibilities and Services
- Initial investigation of potential scientific misconduct
- Consulting and mediation in scientific conflicts
- Conflict consulting for doctorate students and PostDocs
- Exemplary Doctoral Agreement
- General advice on all issues of good scientific practice
- Presentations and workshops on good scientific practice
- Upon request: Refresher courses or workshops on specific GSP issues for individual working groups, institutes, or clinics
- Random testing of MHH doctorate theses and habilitations focused on GSP aspects
- Equivalency check of external GSP certificates
- Member of the network "Ombudspersons of Lower Saxony"
- One time plagiarism test for doctorate students prior to submission of thesis
Dr. rer. nat. Beate Schwinzer
Scientific Manager (OE 9100)
Phone:+49 (0) 511 532 6002
Fax: +49 (0) 511 532 6003
Dr. rer. nat. Olga Halle
Lecturer for Good Scientific Practice, Consulting
E-Mail: ombudsstelle[at]
The MHH ombudsperson mediates scientific conflicts and investigates cases of suspected scientific misconduct. Suspected misconduct may be reported either to the local MHH ombudsperson or, e. g. in case of a potential bias, to the deputy ombudsperson or the German research ombudsman. Accordingly, a decision of the MHH ombudsperson can be neither revised nor overruled by the German ombudsperson or vice versa. For appointments with the ombudsperson, please, contact the ombuds office.
The scientific manager at the Ombuds Office offers conflict consulting for PhD students and PostDocs upon request.
The suspicion of scientific misconduct can be conveyed orally or in writing. The ombudsperson will treat all notifications confidentially and, if indicated, initiate a pre-investigation. At the end of the pre-investigation, the ombudsperson reports his results to the MHH president, who, in turn, may instruct the Commission for good scientific practice to commence an official investigation. The ombudsperson will inform the accused and the claimant of the pre-investigation's outcome in a timely manner.
The ombudsperson and the deputy ombudsperson are nominated by the MHH senate for a term of 5 years.
In August 2020, Prof. Werfel was re-nominated by the MHH senate as ombudsperson and Prof. Gebel as his deputy for another office term.
Both, Prof. Werfel and Prof. Gebel are members the Lower Saxony network of ombudspersons, who meet on a regular basis to discuss GSP issues and to exchange their experiences on how to deal with scientific conflicts and scientific misconduct.
MHH Ombudsperson
Prof. Dr. med. Thomas A. Werfel
Head of Immunodermatology and
Experimental Allergology
Clinic for Dermatology, Allergology, and Venerology
GSP Courses and Presentations
Face-to-face Lectures and Workshops
The next English language lecture series will be held in lecture hall G (I01-H0-1130) from October 28-30, 2024:
Monday, 28 Oct 2024, 3:00 - 4:30 p.m., Part 1: Introduction and Data Management (Dr. Beate Schwinzer)
Tuesday, 29 Oct 2024, 3:00 - 4:30 p.m., Part 2: Scientific Misconduct and how to avoid it (Dr. Beate Schwinzer)
Wednesday, 30 Oct 2024, 3:00 - 4:30 p.m., Part 3: Statistics and good scientific practice (Dr. Olga Halle and Dr. Stephan Halle)
Click here for registration.
Registration is required only for non-HBRS students. HBRS students must not register here but are autmatically enrolled and will be provided with certificates of attendance by their program coordinators.
Proof of participation in all three parts of the lecture series is required when submitting a thesis! Attending individual parts of the lecture series in different years is accepted.
One-day workshop for students and doctorate students before or at the beginning of their theses
- in German language, only - (Dr. Beate Schwinzer, Dr. Olga Halle)
- Saturday, January 27, 2024, 9:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. [Kurslabor 25 (I01-01-1040)] Anmeldungslink 27.01.24
- Saturday, February 24, 2024, 9:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. [Kurslabor 25 (I01-01-1040)] Anmeldungslink 24.02.24
- Thursday, March 14, 2024, 9:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. [Diätspeisesaal (K15-H0-1070)] Anmeldungslink 14.03.24
The confirmation of attendance is recognized as proof for the submission of a doctorate thesis. Registration by e-mail to
GSP eLearning(MHH doctorate students not enrolled at MHH (anymore) can request a GSP-eLearning-access code by e-mail to, if the doctorate was registered before January 1st, 2021.)
GSP for Supervisors of Master and Doctorate Students
The interactive event (90 min) is specifically tailored for postdoctoral fellows, who are supervising master and doctorate students and is focused on good scientific practice in supervision. The ombudsperson, Prof. Thomas Werfel, and the head of the ombuds office, Dr. Beate Schwinzer, present information on relevant aspects of good supervision and provide an insight into the work of the ombudsman service. Questions and discussion are explicitly welcome!
The next event - in German language - is scheduled for
- Wednesday, February 21st, 2024, 11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. in lecture hall H
Please register by e-mail to (re: "GSP for supervisors, February 2024").