Dr. rer. nat. Jörg Mengwasser
Coordination "Transplantation and Regeneration"
☎ 0511-532 4201
📱 17-2678
E-Mail: Mengwasser.joerg(at)mh-hannover.de
Dr. Jörg Mengwassers research focus is the immunology of transplant rejection and has a strong research background in cancer research, autoimmunity and Graft-versus-Host-Disease following hematopoietic stem cell transplantation.
He has a 22-year experience with mouse and rat models including multiple tumor models, EAE and RA autoimmune models, transplantation models to investigate GVHD and the acute rejection of solid organs. Also he has more than 20 years of experience in the analysis of isolated cells and tissues via flow cytometry. The methodological subjects include all types of biochemical and molecular biology assays like IF, IHC, WB, ELISA, cytokine multiplexing, qPCR, cloning and gene and tissue microarrays.