The intoxicant is mainly consumed by young people - the health consequences can even include nerve damage.

Party drug laughing gas: The cartridges are legally available, but the health risks should not be underestimated. Copyright: Tina Götting / MHH
It is legal to obtain, provides a short high and is undetectable: all this makes laughing gas an ‘attractive’ drug for many young people. But it is not harmless. Experts have long warned of the possible health consequences of its use. ‘Anyone who takes the drug frequently and over a long period of time risks nerve damage and psychological dependence,’ warns Professor Dr Alexander Glahn from the Department of Psychiatry, Social Psychiatry and Psychotherapy at Hannover Medical School (MHH). ‘Laughing gas is a serious drug. To protect children and adolescents, its availability should therefore be better regulated by law,’ the psychiatrist demands.
Available in the supermarket
Laughing gas is a colourless gas from the group of nitrogen oxides. The chemical name is nitrous oxide (N2O). In medicine, it is used as an anaesthetic by dentists or in obstetrics. In everyday life, it is used as a propellant in aerosol cans and in cartridges for spray cream - and is therefore readily available in many supermarkets and kiosks. For some years now, laughing gas has also been on the rise as a party drug. In order to get high, users transfer the gas from the cartridges into balloons and inhale it.
Risk of accidents and injuries
The effect is immediate. ‘Users report anxiety-relieving and relaxing effects, sometimes even a mental drifting away,’ explains Professor Glahn. Because the high caused by laughing gas usually only lasts a few minutes, many people consume the drug several times in a row. Direct negative effects of consumption can include dizziness, headaches and fainting. It can also lead to impaired coordination, which increases the risk of falls and accidents. Because the gas is extremely cold at minus 55 degrees Celsius, users also risk injury:
If it comes into direct contact with the skin or mucous membranes, frostbite to the mouth, lips, throat or vocal chords is to be expected.
Social media encourages consumption
As laughing gas is legal and easy to obtain, the high is short and consumption cannot be proven, many people believe the drug is harmless. The gas is also celebrated on social media as a fun and cool party drug. ‘All of this ensures that young people in particular turn to laughing gas,’ says Professor Glahn. It is usually consumed in combination with other intoxicants such as alcohol or cannabis, which can intensify the effect and make it more unpredictable. According to the Frankfurt study Monitoring System Drug Trends (MoSyD) 2023, 14 per cent of 15-18-year-old respondents have tried laughing gas at least once.
Numbness and muscle weakness
Anyone who consumes laughing gas frequently and over a long period of time runs the risk of seriously damaging their nerves. The gas ensures that vitamin B12 cannot be broken down in the body. One possible effect of this is anaemia. Another consequence can be damage to the protective layer of the nerves. ‘The nerve impulses are then no longer transmitted efficiently,’ explains Professor Glahn.
‘Those affected suffer from sensations such as tingling in the hands and feet or numbness and muscle weakness in the legs. Some also have gait disorders.’ Mental and psychological problems can also occur.
Frequent consumption increases the risk potential
Although the symptoms can be treated, success varies. ‘For most people, the symptoms subside. In some cases, however, this can take several months,’ says Professor Glahn. In principle, the risk of damage to health increases with the frequency of laughing gas consumption. However, this does not rule out the possibility of nerve damage even with occasional use. The risk of becoming addicted to laughing gas is greater psychologically than physically. At the Clinic for Psychiatry, Social Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, Professor Glahn treats those affected with behavioural therapy.
Legal protection and education
The availability of laughing gas must be better regulated by law, emphasises Professor Glahn. In addition to legislators, he also believes that schools have a duty. ‘Health in general and education about the dangers of drugs should definitely be part of the curriculum.’
Text: Tina Götting