University bibliography

Collage aus den Logos prominenter Zeitschriften
Logos of prominent journals

Beginning in 2008, the library records all publications by MHH members. In addition to calculating the performance-oriented allocation of funds (LOM) by the Presidium, the data collected is used to create a university bibliography of the MHH.

Reporting new publications happens by means of automatic data transfers from PubMed using the MHH link system or manually via the registration form for reporting new publications.                    


Reporting new publications    

The successive publication of the university bibliography takes place via the RefWorks Shared Area of the MHH library. A periodic cumulation in pdf format can be accessed here. In addition, the data is published in the annual research report.

Publication database und analysis tool - PuDalys

With PuDalys, the library presents publications by MHH authors in a completely new form.

PuDalys enables the listing of publications of individual departments and years in the simple search. The university bibliography, which was previously only available via the RefWorks Shared Area, serves as the data basis. The advanced search includes options for queries with various criteria.

In addition to the search, PuDalys also offers an analysis function. Thus, evaluations according to publication types, journal titles, open access, internal collaborations and keywords are possible.


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