Graduation 2024

On 12.01.2024, Marjan Kheirmand-Parizi successfully defended her thesis with the topic: "Towards metal-based dual functionalization of implant surfaces: In vitro investigations of antibacterial and tissue integrative properties." In the Department of Prosthetic Dentistry and Biomedical Materials Science, under the direction of Prof. Meike Stiesch. In addition, On-Chung Ian Shum also presented his results. He successfully presented the results of his work on the topic: "Investigation of hiPSC-derived trophoblast-like cells and their immunomodulatory properties". He belongs to the working group of Prof. Ulrich Martin from the LEBAO - Leibniz Research Laboratory for Biotechnology and Artificial Organs.
Philippe Alexandre Vollmer Barbosa defended his thesis: "Lung models and therapeutic development for pulmonary antiviral RNAi" on January 19, 2023, which he completed at the Institute of Experimental Hematology and the Fraunhofer Institute for Toxicology and Experimental Medicine.