Network made from Corona-Viruses

Network of University Medicine

Here you can find further information about the participation of the MHH in the BMBF-funded Network of University Medicine

Network of University Medicine (NUM)

Providing patients with optimal care, prevention infections and expanding healthcare is the mission statement of the Network of University Medicine (NUM), which was founded in spring 2020. The network is currently bundeling research activities for coping with the COVID-19 pandemic and opening up new strategies for action. Funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and coordinated by Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin, the research network involves all 36 German university hospitals and partners on working on solutions for the best possible health care and pandemic preparedness. Emphasis is placed on hospital-related research and health care research. the results of which directly benefit patients, are incorporated into crisis management and contribute to the establishment of a sustainable, national reseach infrastructure. To implement this task, 390 million euros are provided to the NUM and the participating institutions for collaborative projects by mid-2025. In the medium term, the aim is to use the structures and concepts created wihin the network also for research into other disease patterns and generally for cooperative reseach in university medicine.

The Lokal Coordination Units (LokS) of the NUM were set up at each university hospital as administrative hubs to ensure exchange and coordination between the network participants. They are the central point of contact for the project particcipants at the respective location and support them in all administrative, NUM-related matters concerning project planning and implementation. In addition, they act as information hubs for communication with the NUM coordination office and the other LokS.

Further informations:


[Translate to Englisch:] Logo NUM, Copyright: NUM-Koordinierungsstelle an der Charité

NUM LokS Retreat am 7.-8. Oktober 2023

Am 7. und 8. November hat das erste Retreat in Präsenz der Lokalen Stabsstellen (LokS) des Netzwerkes für Universitätsmedizin (NUM) stattgefunden. In der Hörsaalruine auf dem Campus der Charité…

Mehr Informationen
[Translate to Englisch:] Logo NUM, Copyright: Netzwerk Universitätsmedizin

FOSA Vorstandswahlen

Wie alle zwei Jahre steht die Neuwahl der Vorstände der Fach- und Organspezifischen Arbeitsgruppen (FOSA) bevor. Wahlberechtig sind alle FOSA, welche vor dem 01.07.2022 gegründet worden sind. 

Weitere Informationen

Neue Publikation aus dem NUM erschienen

"Das Netzwerk Universitätsmedizin: Technisch-organisatorische Ansätze für Forschungsdatenplattfomen" finden Sie hier.

zur Publikation

Fach- und Organspezifische Arbeitsgruppen (FOSA)

Die Mitarbeit in einer FOSA steht allen interessierten Wissenschaftler:innen und Ärzt:innen offen. Weitere Infos zum NUM und den FOSA finden Sie auf der FOSA Website.

hier mehr erfahren
