Welcome to the website of the Institute for Medical Microbiology and Hospital Epidemiology of Hannover Medical School!

The Institute for Medical Microbiology and Hospital Epidemiology (founded in 1966) with its approx. 70 permanent employees is responsible for the microbiological infection diagnostics in the field of bacteriology, mycology, parasitology and hospital epidemiology in the health care. This also includes advising physicians regarding diagnostics, therapy and prevention of infectious diseases. Of special importance is also the care related to hospital epidemiology for the clinics and ambulances of Hannover Medical School.
Considerable significance is also attached to the teaching for which you can find further links below.
In the research field the institute focuses on current topics of molecular microbiology and infection immunology.
Carl-Neuberg-Str. 1
Building J6
30625 Hannover
Petra Kleinhans Tel. +49 511 532-6770
Fax +49 511 532-4355

Effective December 17, 2003, the institute has been accredited in accordance with DIN EN ISO 15189 for all diagnostic techniques performed in the fields of bacteriology, mycology, parasitology, serology and molecularbiological infection diagnostics as well as hospital epidemiology.
As of July 23, 2008, the accreditation has been extended by DIN EN ISO 17025 for the field of potable water and health care of the division of hospital epidemiology.
Further information:
Further information in German language can also be found directly in our Information for Customers (pdf-Download)
Information on the division of hospital epidemiology can be found here
The Institute for Medical Microbiology and Hospital Epidemiology focuses on various aspects of infection immunology and molecular microbiology.
On the following pages detailed information on the various work groups and the corresponding research areas can be found:
- Work group Schlüter
- Work group Gopala Krishna
- Work group Graßl
- Work group Lochner
- Work group Vital
- Work group Winstel
- Work group individualized molecular and clinical microbiology (Work group IMKM)
The institute's work groups are integrated in the following national and international research networks:
- DZIF Deutsches Zentrum für Infektionsforschung
- SFB 900 Mikrobielle Persistenz und ihre Kontrolle
- SFB 854 Molekulare Organisation der zellulären Kommunikation im Immunsystem
- Exzellenzcluster Resist
Publications of the Institute for Medical Microbiology and Hospital Epidemiology
Teaching duties and courses offered by the institute:
- students of human medicine in the clinical part of their studies
- students of dentistry in the clinical part of their studies
- students of biology in the mutual course of studies of biology of the universities in Hannover
- students in the course of studies of infection biology
- students of biochemistry
- students of biomedicine
- students of the international Master study programme "Infectious Diseases - One Health (IDOH)"
- students of the Master study programme Biomedical Data Science
Additionally, extensive teaching tasks are performed at the educational institutes and schools for healthcare professions at Hannover Medical School.
- DGHM Deutsche Gesellschaft für Hygiene und Mikrobiologie
- DGP Deutsche Gesellschaft für Parasitologie
- DGfI Deutsche Gesellschaft für Immunologie
- DZIF Deutsches Zentrum für Infektionsforschung
- SFB 900 Mikrobielle Persistenz und ihre Kontrolle
- Exzellenzcluster Resist
- SFB 854 Molekulare Organisation der zellulären Kommunikation im Immunsystem
For complaints or claims regarding the laboratory divisions of the Institute for Medical Microbiology and Hospital Epidemiology you can contact us as follows:
1. Laboratory of the division for hospital epidimiology (test laboratory):
secretariat of the specialist division for hospital epidemiology
Tel. (05 11) 5 32-51 72
E-Mail mik.hygienelabor@mh-hannover.de
2. Diagnostic laboratory of the division for medcal microbiology (medical laboratory):
team quality management of the Institute for Medical Microbiology and Hospital Epidemiology
Tel. (05 11) 5 32-43 68
E-Mail mik@mh-hannover.de
Your complaint/claim will be handled in a structured way. In any case you will get a suitable feedback regarding your matter.