
Scientific findings want to be shared, evaluated, developed further if necessary, brought together and applied. Their visibility and retrieval are ensured through their publication in publishing houses and/or open access platforms, as publishing productions, in (research data) repositories, etc..
In medicine, most publications are made online; reinforced by the demands of national and international research sponsors and funding agencies, value is placed on transparent publication of results and data in the sense of open access, meaning free, public access without access restrictions by law or technology.
In the course of this, the Senate adopted an Open Access Policy for the authors of the Hannover Medical School in 2018.
The open-access-network initiative offers a wide range of information on the topic of OPEN ACCESS, from basic knowledge to research data management.
On the general topic of "scientific publishing", literature can be found on the library shelves under the classification section "LB" (working scientifically, academic writing, doctoral studies in general) and "WZ 345" (specifically for medicine and natural sciences), links to e-books in the library's online catalogue.
Who pays the Author Publication Charge (APC) for publishing my article Open Access?
With the DFG Publication Fund 2021/2022, the MHH supports its members in publishing in pure (golden) Open Access journals.
Further Information can be found here.
Do I receive funding from a central MHH publication fund for publications such as Open Choice or Open Option?
Additional Open Access costs in licence journals (hybrid route) are generally not funded from the central MHH publication fund. MHH funds have already been paid to the publishers via the university library for access to the full texts of these journals (subscription).
How can I find possible OA journals for my paper?
Quality-assured genuine OA journals are listed in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ).
The DOAJ shows, for example, which peer-review procedure the OA journal uses, whether submission costs are due and what publication costs are to be expected.
The checklist from Think.Check.Submit offers specific questions for journal selection.
Where can I find basic and further information on Open Access?
Detailed and practical information in German can be found at, among others.
You can find out more about Open Access at the MHH here.
What should I pay attention to in the author contract with the publisher if I want to publish Open Access?
The MHH's Open Access Policy recommends that MHH authors do not hand over exclusive rights of use to the publisher when publishing their research results. A simple right of use for the Open Access publication of the publication should remain permanently with the authors.
To this end, please check your author contract carefully in each case and negotiate an addendum or a change in copyright if necessary.
You can find the copyright policies of most publishers at SHERPA/RoMEO.
The Creative Commons provides information and assistance on the rights management of OA documents.
My paper is published in a journal and I receive an invoice from the publisher. What do I have to do now?
You sign the original invoice "factually and arithmetically correct" and fill out an AZA. Send both to: Library -OE 8900- Publication costs. Here the transaction will be checked and instructed. The bank transfer is carried out by the Finance Department, you check the debit from your specified funds centre with SAP.
The original invoice is not issued in EUR. Do I have to convert the amount when filling out the AZA?
No, the amount will be transferred in the original currency at the daily exchange rate.
It is a foreign invoice. What do I have to consider?
Please note that taxes for foreign publications are only levied after the invoice has been issued in the course of the so-called reverse-charge procedure. You will receive a net invoice from abroad (without any tax being shown) and when the invoice is entered in the accounts, VAT will be levied at the current rate of 19%, so that the net invoice may not currently be higher than around EUR 1,680.00 in order to receive funding. For publications abroad, please state the VATID of the MHH: DE115650503.
Can I pay by credit card or cheque?
As a rule, MHH does not pay by credit card and does not send cheques. If you pay privately (see below), you can be reimbursed.
Private payment - How do I get reimbursed?
You fill in a "Antrag auf Erstattung” (Request for reimbursement) and AZA, enclose any confirmation of receipt of the money from the publisher and all documents proving the flow of money and send everything to:
Library -OE8900- Publication costs. Here the transaction is checked and instructed. The bank transfer is carried out by the Finance Department, the debit from your specified financial centre is checked with SAP.
The publisher wants a Purchase Order Number (PO No). What is this?
With a PO number you enter into a valid purchase contract. For the publisher, it is a sign that he can make an advance payment for his service (publication) and that the resulting costs are guaranteed to be covered by MHH. As a rule, you will receive an invoice at the latest after the publication of your article.
Publication advice
Bibliothek der MHH - OE 8900
Annette Spremberg: +49 511 532-6606
Céline Schmelzer: +49 511 532-3339
Fax: +49 511 532-6607