Students of the year 2018


Elham Adabi IRAN
Supervisor:Prof. Dr. Britta Eiz-Vesper, Institute of Transfusion Medicine,
Project: The interplay of EBV-induced γδ and αβ T cells during chronic EBV reactivation, PILD, and EBV-directed cellular therapy in transplant recipients.
Left program in September 2019 due to personal reasons.


Bernardus Aldrige Allister INDONESIA
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Teruko Tamura-Niemann, Institute of Cell Biology,
Project: Identification and characterization of Transcription / Export - back up pathways between TREX1 and TREX2 in normal and cancer cells.
Final exam November 2021


Alexandra Bogomolova RUSSIA bogomolova.alexandra[at]
Supervisor: PD Dr. Amar Sharma, AG Cantz / Sharma,
Project: Identification of novel regulators of liver fibrosis.

Final exam November 2023


Ian Bresch GERMANY
Supervisor: PD Dr. Susanne Eschenburg, Institute of Biophysical Chemistry
Project: Untersuchung der Assemblierungsvorgänge im NLRP3 (Inflammasom Investigation of the assembly processes in the NLRP3 inflammasome).
Final exam November 2021


Fiorella Charles PANAMA charles.fiorella[at]
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Michael Heuser, Department of Haematology / Oncology,
Project: Targeting fusion genes in acute myeloid leukemia.

Final exam June 2023


Johannes Greve GERMANY
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Dietmar Manstein, Institute for Biophysical Chemistry / Structural Biochemistry,
Project: Non-muscular actinopathies: Baraitser-Winter Cerebrofrontofacial syndrome and related disorders.
Final exam November 2021


Sonja Groß GERMANY
Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Dr. Thomas Thum / Dr. Christian Bär, IMTTS,
Project: Generation of cardiac fibroblast specific AAV vectors for cell type specific delivery of non-coding RNAs.
Final exam November 2022


Fatema Hasan BAHRAIN
Supervisor: Dr. Wolfgang Ziegler, Department of Paediatric Kidney Diseases,
Project: Perspectives of tolvaptan treatment in juvenile inherited polycystic kidney disease (PKD): Assessment of epithelial function using in vitro and ex vivo analysis of renal tubular epithelial cells.
Final exam January 2023


Leonie Hoffmeister GERMANY
Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Korbinian Brand / Dr. René Huber, Institute of Clinical Chemistry,
Project: PKC and GSK3 als Schlüsselregulatoren der TNF-Toleranz / PKC and GSK3 as key regulators of TNF tolerance.


Christopher Jahn GERMANY jahn.christopher[at]
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Dr. Thomas Thum / Dr. Christian Bär, IMTTS,
Project: Investigation of noncoding RNA pathways for the treatment of Fabry disease using patient-derived human iPSC-cardiomyocytes.

Final exam June 2023


Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Nico Lachmann, Pediatric Pneumology
Project: Dissecting the onset of macrophages from human iPSC for disease modelling and therapeutic applications


Juliette Nowak GERMANY 
Supervisors: from September 2019: Prof. Dr. Axel Schambach/ Dr. Michael Morgan, Institute of Experimental Hematology
Project: Dual-specific targeted NK cells in combination with checkpoint inhibitors to improve anticancer effects against resistant HNSCC tumor and cancer stem cells

Final exam June 2023


Dhanasekaran Rathinam INDIA
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Andreas Kispert, Insitute of Molecular Biology,
Project: Molecular control of smooth muscle cell differentiation in the ureter of the mouse.
Left the program in July 2019.


Maximilian Schinke GERMANY 
Supervisor: Dr. Dr. Adrian Schwarzer, Insitute of Experimental Haematology,
Project: Using CRIPR-Cas9 to model and interrogate acute leukemia in vitro and in vivo.
Maximilian is class speaker!

Final exam June 2023


Anton Shaverskyi UKRAINE 
Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Kyeong-Hee Lee / Dr. Niko Föger, Institute of Clinical Chemistry,
Project: Functional characterization of the Golgi-associated protein Coronin7 in immune cells.

Final exam November 2023


Florian Sieglitz GERMANY stieglitz.florian[at]
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Andreas Pich, Institute of Toxicology,
Project: LC-MS-based characterization of effects on signaling molecules induced by Clostridium difficele toxins.

Final exam June 2022


Katrin Teich GERMANY teich.katrin[at]
Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Felicitas Thol / Prof. Dr. Michael Heuser, Department of Haematology / Oncology,
Project: Biomarker für das Ansprechen auf Spenderlymphozyteninfusion (DLI) nach allogener Stammzelltransplantation in Patienten mit akuter myeloischer Leukämie.
Final exam November 2022