Aktuelles - Archiv

  •   53. Wissenschaftliche Tagung der Gesellschaft für Versuchstierkunfe GV-SOLAS

Am 14. - 16. September 2015 findet die Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Versuchstierkunde GV-SOLAS statt.


  •   Symposium March 2014

27.03. – 28.03.2014

The EU has adopted the European directive EU2010/63 to improve the welfare of laboratory animals and to harmonize the respective legislation within its member countries. An important aspect of this new directive is the severity assessment of laboratory animals. Although some methods are established in behavioral research it remains difficult to measure severity on living animals. The Symposium will provide a platform to inform about strategies that might be used to asses and recognize pain and stress in animals that are used in scientific research.