Molecular Gynaecology Research Group

Gynaecology Research Unit, Clinics of Obstetrics and Gynaecology

Hannover Medical School, Carl-Neuberg-Str. 1, D-30625 Hannover



Scientific focus:

- Molecular basis of gynaecological cancers

- Molecular determinants of cellular radiosensitivity



Gynaecology Research Laboratories, Building I11, Level SO



Thilo Dörk-Bousset, Ph.D.

Tel.: 0511-532-6075 (office)

Tel.: 0511-532-6077 (lab)

Fax: 0511-532-6081

E-Mail: doerk.thilo




Kristine Bousset (Postdoc)

Dhanya Ramachandran (Postdoc)

Lisa-Marie Speith (PhD student)

Iulia Folcut (PhD student)

Dan-dan Liao (MD student)

Ying Zheng (MD student)

Yu-zhen Xiao (MD student)

Natalia Vdovichenko (MD student)

Lara Kokemüller (MD student)

Finja Seifert (MD student)

Yasmin Cao (MD student)

Ricarda Welz (MD student)

Britta Wieland (Technician)

Peter Schürmann (Technician)



Current research projects:

Molecular biology of breast cancer

Molecular genetics of ovarian cancer

Molecular genetics of endometrial cancer

Genetic epidemiology of cervical cancer

Radiation sensitivity and DNA repair disorders

Molecular basis of preeclampsia



Educational possibilities:

Experimental doctoral theses in biochemistry, biology, biomedicine and medicine

Experimental master and bachelor theses in biochemistry, biology, biomedicine and life sciences

Practical courses for students of biochemistry, biology, biomedicine and life sciences



Intramural collaborations:

Clinics of Radiation Oncology

Institute of Experimental Hematology

Institute of Legal Medicine

Clinics of Immunology and Rheumatology




Bruno and Helene Jöster Foundation

Claudia von Schilling Foundation

German Research Foundation

Lower Saxonian Cancer Society

Rudolf Bartling Foundation

Wilhelm Sander Foundation



Publications of the past years

Please see here


Latest update: January 17, 2023