


  • Sarah Soussan: A qualitative study of obstetric violence in Western Switzerland: French-speaking midwives report their representations regarding “obstetric violence”
  • Anna Bottani: A qualitative study of obstetric violence in Western Switzerland. French-speaking midwifery students report their representations and needs regarding “obstetric violence”.
  • Bernadette Brieskorn: Association of maternal and midwifery characteristics with the number of postnatal home visits during the Covid-19 pandemic in Austria: a cross-sectional study
  • Anja Chung: Der geplante hebammengeleitete Geburtsort. Eine Querschnittstudie zu den Informationskanälen schwangerer Frauen in Deutschland
  • Christina Maria Heß: Erfahrung und Bewertung des sexuellen Erlebens von Frauen mit Beckenbodentraining im Wochenbett
  • Anthonia (Tessa) Laros: Midwives’ experiences with applying perinatal guidelines during shared decision-making: a qualitative study
  • Sophie Raude-Leroy: Midwives’ knowledge of perinatal depression in Switzerland. A cross-sectional study.


  • Jolene Camilleri: Women's Expectations and Satisfaction with Antenatal Care in Malta - A Cross-Sectional Survey
  • Charlotte Gijsens: Women’s experiences of the recovery from an episiotomy during the first year after childbirth in Flanders, Belgium

  • Anne Hallet: Die Vermittlung von Familien aus der Hebammenbetreuung an das Netzwerk Frühe Hilfen: eine Querschnittsbefragung
  • Johanna Hünig: Heterogene Anwendungspraxis von Rizinusöl zur Geburtseinleitung im deutschsprachigen Raum: eine Online-Querschnittstudie

  • Konstantina Syrmou: Women’s experiences of Vaginal Birth after Caesarean (VBAC) in Germany



  • Patricia Löchelt: Professional Autonomy and Midwives' Perceptions of Birth Plans: A Cross-Sectional Study in Switzerland
  • Caroline Lonfat: Change in Lumbopelvic Pain After a Single Prenatal Yoga Class: a Cross-Sectional Survey
  • Sarah Michel: Risk factors of intrapartum transfer from an alongside midwifery-led unit
  • Alison Morison: A Cross-Sectional Survey Exploring Factors Associated with Midwives’ Confidence in Identifying and Managing Perinatal Mental Health Problems
  • Pauline Sartori: Burnout and job satisfaction in caseload and hospital midwives in Western Switzerland: a cross sectional survey
  • Bettina Schöne: Beobachtungen Geburtshilflicher Gewalt im Kontext der Praktischen Hebammenausbildung im Kreißsaal und Einstellung Werdender Hebammen zur Förderung der Normalen Geburt: Entwicklung und Validierung Eines Selbstberichtstools


  • Emilienne de Freudenreich: A systematic survey of labour duration measurement 
  • Charlène Géry: Midwives’ perceptions towards intermittent foetal heart rate auscultation in low-risk pregnancies in Western Switzerland: a crosssectional survey
  • François Hesseling: Prolonged Hours of Continuous Birthing Support From a Kraamverzorgende and Referral Odds for Primiparous Women: a Dutch Retrospective Cohort Study
  • Linda Kiessling: Quantitative analysis of an interdisciplinary  assessment of the nausea or vomiting associated with gestation (novaG) score in Germany
  • Berit Lüdemann: Associating routine anamnestic and perinatal data with normal Birth in primiparae, women with first VBAC and secundiparae: a retrospective cohort study
  • Neeltje Schubert: Antenatal Care Provided by Midwives: An Adjusted Swiss Survey Applied In Germany



  • Valentina Bronzo: Comparing shared-caseload and standard midwifery care during childbirth: a retrospective cohort study

  • Tabea Gasser: Analyzing factors associated with the urgency of referral from primary healthcare facilities in Bangladesh: A cross-sectional observational study.

  • Dr. Claudia Limmer: Measuring disrespect and abuse during childbirth in a high-income country: Development and validation of a German self-report tool

  • Antonia Müller: The scope of antenatal care by Swiss midwives - a prospective cross-sectional study

  • Jasmine Sidler: Das Assessment der sozialen Faktoren in der Schwangerenvorsorge in der Deutschschweiz – eine Querschnittstudie

  • Clémence Vital Durand: Exploration of midwives’ characteristics and reported practices and their association with risk perception during normal labour: a replicated survey in French-speaking midwives of Belgium

  • Piroska Ilona Zsindely: Childbirth Experiences of Swiss Primigravid women: A secondary thematic analysis


  • Britta Charbel Issa: Ansichten und Kenntnisse von Eltern frühgeborener Kinder hinsichtlich Frauenmilchspende
  • Janice Hill: Community birth and transfer forprimiparous women: a retrospective cohort study
  • Christelle Kaech: Knowledge about Gestational Diabetes: An appraisal among midwives in Western Switzerland
  • Suniva Portz: Development of a scale measuring clinicians´ attitudes towards VBAC and examination of associations to individual and institutional factors – a cross sectional OptiBIRTH follow-up study
  • Céleste Vincent: Antenatal care midwifery-led and spontaneous visits in emergency services during pregnancy
  • Diane Waller: Comparison of spontaneous vaginal birthand intervention rates between two models of maternity care in a Swiss tertiary hospital



  • Maud Elmaleh: Women´s Experience of Psychoeducational Perinatal Interview – A qualitative approach
  • Joke Hillhorst: Identifying characteristics of birthing women regarding receiving pharmacological pain management: a cohort study
  • Celine Schick: First assessed cervical dilatation in labour ward: Is it associated with the mode of birth and oxytocin augmentation during labour? A retrospective cohort study
  • Pia Steinbrück: Tätigkeitsprofile für ein Praxiscurriculum im Externat. Identifizierung des Tätigkeitsprofils der freiberuflichen Hebammenarbeit in Deutschland und Lernzielempfehlungen für ein Externats-Praxiscurriculum im Rahmen der Hebammenausbildung bzw. Studium



  • Nathalie Crea: Factors associated with midwives’ autonomy in decision-making in Western Switzerland: a survey
  • Daphne Leeffers: A retrospective cohort study to examine the effectiveness of dexamethasone for women at risk of preterm birth in a low resource setting on the Thailand-Myanmar border
  • Joana Streffing: Ein Fragebogen zur Angst junger Erwachsener vor Schwangerschaft und Geburt



  • Magali Bonzon: Modes of birth for a pregnancy following a previous caesarean section - Survey of factors associated with women’s preferences in western Switzerland
  • Hanna Gehling: Care-seeking behavior for newborns in rural Zambia
  • Elleana Hoekstra: Full versus partial scope of practice and integrated midwifery care in Ontario, CA
  • Emma Swift: A cross-sectional survey of childbirth fear and intervention preferences in the Islandic student population
  • Laura Zinßer: Die Einstellung von Hebammen zur Förderung der normalen Geburt
  • Dirkje Zondag: A secondary data longitudinal analysis of effects of different types of analgesia on duration and mode of birth: The DurAn-Study



  • Anne Prokoph: The length of the inter-pregnancy interval (IPI) and its association with the outcome of trial of labour after caesarean section (TOLAC) – a retrospective cohort study of secundiparous women
  • Francoise Roy Mali: Maternal mindfulness experience during the postpartum period



  • Susanne Grylka-Bäschlin: Application of the Mother-Generated Index to German-speaking women for the assessment of postnatal quality of life
  • Luise Lengler: Midwives’ attitudes regarding oxytocin augmentation in low risk birth (Welche Einstellung haben Hebammen gegenüber der intrapartalen Oxytocingabe bei risikoarmen Geburten?)
  • Gaby Schmidt: Linguistic validation of the German version of the Childbirth Self-efficacy Inventory (CBSEI) as well as its short form (CBSEI-C32) and an evaluation of their applicability (Linguistische Validierung der deutschen Version des Childbirth Self-efficacy Inventory (CBSEI) sowie dessen Kurzform (CBSEI-C32) inklusive einer vorläufigen psychometrischen Testung und der Überprüfung ihrer Anwendefreundlichkeit)



  • Ursula Böhme: Hopeful migrants? Wellbeing of migrant pregnant women in Switzerland (Migrantinnen in guter Hoffnung? Zum Wohlbefinden schwangerer Migrantinnen in der Schweiz)
  • Carina Benstöm: Butylscopolaminiumbromid for the prevention and treatment of delay in the first stage of labour - a systematic review
  • Michaela Michel-Schuldt: Media competence of midwifery students in Austria, Germany and Switerzland: a survey