Hannover Biomedical Research School was founded in 2003. It was supported in the course of the German Excellence Initiative (DFG/BMBF) from 2006 to 2014.
HBRS currently comprises of six international (MD)/PhD programs [“Molecular Medicine”, “Infection Biology”(& DEWIN: Dynamik der Erreger-Wirt Interaktionen), “Regenerative Sciences”, "Auditory Sciences", "Epidemiology" and "BIOMEDAS - Biomedical Data Sciences"]. There is one associated DFG Research Training Group IRTG SIIRI (Safety-Integrated and Infection-Reactive Implants). All students who are members of various European Union funded training sites (e.g. Marie Curie ITNs) and who are working on their PhD thesis at MHH research groups are naturally associated to HBRS programs. All PhD programs are in English.
Three structured doctoral program for medical students were also successfully established (StrucMed, KlinStrucMed and DigiStrucMed; for a Dr.med./Dr.med.dent.), as well as three HBRS-associated Master programs “Biomedicine” (start October 2007), “Biochemistry” (start October 2008) and "Biomedical data Science" (start October 2021).
In 2011, MHH and partner institutes have founded the "Voluntary Research Year" for high school graduates. (more info)
MHH supports young scientists towards an academic career beyond PhD. Therefore, the Young Faculty/Clinician Scientist programs were recently added.
Currently, the various programs of HBRS host ~280 PhD students. In addition, ~40 medical students were accepted for StrucMed, each 10-15 students start the KlinStrucMed and DigistrucMed programs as well as ~80 new Master students (in three programs) will start this year. There are about 60% international and around 5% medical doctors doing their PhD (~50% women).
All PhD students are fully financed, usually by the departments. You will either receive a stipend or are employed with MHH. HBRS is giving six stipends of 18 months to selected students. Please see more here.
Rules and Regulations
You may find details about the organs of HBRS in the HBRS rules (see "HBRS Rules and Regulations").
These are our current PhD rules (please note that in doubt, the German rules and regulations are binding. You find these in the HBRS downloads!)
Application: please find out more here
Contact/ Way to HBRS: please come and see us!
International Advisory Board (IAB)
Hans-Gustaf Ljunggren (Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden),
Prof Dr Peter Openshaw: Respiratory Infection, National Heart & Lung Institute (NHLI), Imperial College London, St. Mary's Campus, London
Prof. Dr. Marcus Thelen (Institute for Research in Biomedicine, Università della Svizzera italiana, Bellinzona),