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Das HBRS Logo mit dem Schriftzug MHH in Rot und den Buchstaben HBRS in blau.
Student in front of microscope

Hannover Biomedical Research School (HBRS)


HBRS is an interdisciplinary graduate school for physicians (MD/PhD, MBBS, Dr.med.) and life scientists (Biology, Biotechnology, Biochemistry, Engineering, Veterinary Scienes etc).

Currently, HBRS students come from more than 40 different countries.

In October 2006, HBRS was awarded the title "excellent graduate school". HBRS received support  for more than 6 years from the German government (DFG) in course of the German "Excellence Initiative". 

Additional funding is available through - among others - participating in the DFG Excellence Clusters "Hearing4all" (Oldenburg/ MHH) as well as well as RESIST (MHH), the Georg Christoph Lichtenberg program of Lower Saxony (DEWIN), the DAAD, several Research Training networks (SFBs, TRs, FORs) etc.. From 2018, HBRS itself is fully supported by presidial funds of Hannover Medical School. 

HBRS was founded in October 2003. All graduate programs of Hannover Medical School and partner institutes are coordinated here.

HBRS is also an important section of the MHH Deanery of Academic Career Development.



HBRS office, building J4, level 1, Tel. +49-511-532-6011, hbrs@mh-hannover.de 

OE 9117, Carl-Neuberg Str. 1, D-30625 Hannover


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